Good: a wonderful break from the building site for a couple of days down in south-west Cornwall. We stayed in Lamorna in a turn-of-the-century artists residence complete with iron age cave in the garden..... visit to the Minnack Theatre.... people watching on the harbour wall at Mousehole..... swimming in the sea at Kynance Cove.... catching up with friends and family...
Bad: Tradesmen who don't turn up when we think they should! (though to be fair when they are here they are BRILLIANT)
Good: cyclamen poking up through the soil, and the smell of Autumn in the air this morning...
Good: my wonderful Husband who's insulated the WHOLE house singlehandedly...
Good: living half-outdoors for a whole summer. I feel more in touch with nature and wildlife cos we keep seeing it all around - fledgling buzzards in the oak tree, a little frog under the tomato plant jungle, a bumble bees nest of cut leaves and grass by the laurel bush, the toad that lives under the veg patch carpet...
Bad: the discovery of woodworm in a one-week old windowsill....(actually that's VERY bad!)
Good: celebrating with friends...
Good: results from the testing of the borehole water - it's safe to drink!
Good: feeling special and loved on my birthday (thankyou!)
Bad: moles, rabbits, chickens and...... dogs combining forces to dig up the garden and mess up the pond... but the visit of a HUGE colourful moth to our shed last night... (any clues as to what it is?)
Good: a vibrant rainbow with colours repeating over and over....a reminder of Gods presence
Bad: the things we've forgotten or got wrong - in the house - but also in life and with people - of far more importance than bricks and mortar...
Ok, that's the last bad thing i can think of, the good stuff tips the scales! Life IS good.