Thursday, 25 August 2011

Shiny new rayburn...

Today we took delivery of a new baby. Our wood-fired rayburn, shiny and new in pewter grey enamel. Although it's not as handsome as its aga or heritage cousins we are assured this is just the tool for us. We have decided to have no oil or gas in our house. Prices are too unstable and not so good for the environment so we've gone for the wood option. Heatranger 345w for those interested.
The wood is stacked in the log-store ready to go. It will be teamed up with a heatpump (air to water - like a fridge in reverse) and solar panels on the roof - all pumping (hopefully) hot water into a giant thermal store in the airing cupboard. The solar panel works in the summer, the rayburn works in the winter (when we are there to stoke it) and the heat pump fills in the gaps.

Roll on those winter evenings and long hot soaks in the bath (yet to be purchased), steaming socks on the rayburn and beef wellington slowly bubbling away in the oven.